Kiff Flies

Kiff Flies


Don’t be fooled by our signature series solid foam KIFF SPRATZ flies, as they look very similar to traditional crease flies, but they are not an open face fly, they are a solid face foam fly coated in UV resin and dressed in high quality PVC graphics that create slim profile poppers that flash colour and dart from side to side as they’re popped, an action that drives fish crazy, an excellent fly that has caught a number of species and a firm favourite of all the Jacks including GT, tailor and tuna, etc.  

They are tied on a USS Kona or Gamakatsu SL11S heavy duty hooks that punch well above their size class in terms of strength and have taken big GT without bending, a must have when big fish are feeding on bait ball sprats, they shine, dive, dart and pop and are really easy to cast thanks to their slim profile. They are available for saltwater  in 2/0 and 5/0

POPSTAR Popper range

Another KIFF signature fly, the POPSTAR popper was designed at the request of Seychelles guides, they wanted a big popper that cast easily for their older clients but still moved enough water to effect tidal movement! No small ask. So we mated a NYAP and Mega Crease and fine tuned the design until we came up with an 8/0 fly that could be cast on an 8 weight if needed but still popped and gulped water like a bucket, we fit them out with rattles and tie them on SL12S hooks and pair them with heavy duty PVC graphics and UV resin, they have been likened to big commercial GT poppers and they have taken the flats and world by storm, we can’t keep them in stock! Now available in 2/0, 4/0, 6/0 and 8/0 with new colours every season.